After a rilly long time of ASS-working, it feels great to be at peace with absolutely no tensions at all!! No worries about the future and past had been perfect.. so just living in the moment :) Been dreaming of this phase ever since i was in the first year. Five years and a looooooottttt of STRESS (CEPTians will surely understand this) later i am back home with my family. Rilly rilly rilly missed all of them and the little joys one gets staying at home - yeah right!! talking bout the feeling of being loved for who you are \m/, getting compliments on everything you do(even if it is kinda okay or not-so-perfect), being comforted during rough times,the way they pamper you, the pleasure of doing a chore - however small it is, irritating your brothers and sisters, playing scrabble and another 10001 things i cant express :P.
P.S: I feel blessed wid such a F.A.M.I.L.Y!! Thanx God...