Thursday, July 10, 2008

All they need is L.O.V.E.

Came across a coupla forwards:
ONE - which had answers to a question put up to kids aged 4-8 yrs. “Whats L.O.V.E??” I was really amazed at the answers given. Oh-so-very cute!!
TWO - which was a slideshow on what parents expect from their children when they are old? A very senti forward I must say.
I seriously wonder…. When we were kids, we were like the oh-so-cute-n-innoSAINT types and then as we grew up something happened all of a sudden and we changed drastically??!! Howzzat possible - I think the evil takes over the sanctity after a certain age :| I know how much I love my parents and feel like the luckiest one around but in spite of all that I end up doing/saying things that hurts them sometimes… Why don’t we understand the fact that even if they are wrong, all they want is the best for us?? My blood boils when I think of people leaving their parents in the old age homes or taking them to the U.S. just cos the labor rates are high there… PATHETIC!! I cant imagine how people can treat their own parents with such cruelty, forgetting all they had to sacrifice even if it was just to take them out to a restaurant or give them a toy they wanted. Huh.. How much more do the children want ??
Lemme tell you of a day from my past:
Once upon a time – back in ’99 or ’00, our class had to go to an old age home and give them food/ blankets/ etc and perform something as a part of a social service programme. What an experience it was!! I can never forget how their faces lit up with greatest smiles when we spent some time talking to them – I confess they weren’t so happy even when we gave them food or put up an act/dance show. And later when the time came for us to leave, they were all in tears fearing the feeling of loneliness again. I then promised myself that I will definitely do something in future… But then **sigh** I got busy with my academics-I know its just an excuse!!
If not anything – I’ll atleast make it a point to visit old age homes once in a while after I graduate. I really do appreciate Debojit Saha of SAREGAMAPA fame for the message he conveyed through the show!! **applause** .
Seriously people - never ever do something like that to your parents.. They don’t need no money or presents, “ALL THEY NEED IS A LITTLE L.O.V.E FROM US”

P.S: Do u read all the e-mails you get?? I’m sure most of you skip the forwarded stuff.
Take sometime to at least browse through the contents… You will really learn a lot from some of them!! Believe me…

1 comment:

Ramakanth said...

u make an amazing writer with ur plus point bein ur honesty [:)] continue bloggings , its nice reading and good to knw there are stil "Wise" peopel around