Saturday, November 8, 2008

New Co-ordinates

Now-a-days, MOBILE  is one thing thats on everybody's "Icantlivewithout" list [those who disagree, I'm not talking bt them :P]. So deep is the attachment: they dont wanna change their numbers[CO-ORDINATES as my dad calls], even when the network is shitty and others cant reach them. Yeah!! when they do shift to some other city, they have no other option but to change their co-ordinates. I did it twice already and lemme tell you.. its not a very happy thing to do :(( Given a choice, i would still like to stick to my old number cos the process of passing on your new co-ordinates to everyone and stuff like that is rilly rilly irritating. No matter what, everything has a positive side to it...You can iggy some people you wouldnt wanna keep in touch with. Hahahaaa **wicked**

P.S: I seriously hope that in future we wont have to change our co-ordinates no matter where you move. :D \m/


KaZ said...

they are doing tht soon.. u dun hvta change the "coorditnates" when u shift..

adiyanduri said...

how soon is that going to be?? :O

Ceasar said...

Mobile number portability.. that is what its called.. apparently..

adiyanduri said...

doh!!! im sooo not updated :|
thanx for the knowledge ceasar.